Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Where Things Come Back

So as the book starts it starts intense cause the main character says "I was seventeen when I saw my first dead body. It wasn't my cousin Oslo's."But later he describes how his cousin looks and how when he saw him he had nothing to say about it and that there nothing he could say because he didn't know if he was mad at him or sad because of his death. But I do know that his family is a little sad because of his death but not really him. 

The main conflict is Man VS Man to me because of his cousin Oslo that had died it says that he had bruises on his arms and you could see a lot of other things in his body. But also it is different because I don't know who did it to him so I have no idea. But for the other body I have no idea what kind of conflict it was because it says that she could of just died of a disease but she was old to. I think that their will be more of the conflicts later because their are already a lot of stuff just in the beginning of the book. 

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